Sunday, February 03, 2008

Don't tell Pluto I told you this one ...

Pluto recounted this story to me the other day about how he and his missus were lying in bed listening to the next door neighbour's dog barking. It had been barking for hours and hours. Suddenly he jumped up out of bed saying "I've had enough of this". He went downstairs.

When Pluto finally went back up to bed his wife said "The dog is still barking. What have you been doing?"

"Ah," he said "I've put the dog in our back garden . Let's see how THEY like it !"


Dana said...

I guess he said "that'll show them!"

Ali, I won't say a word to him....

Pluto said...

I told you that in confidence!!!!

Ali said...

And I assure you, not one word on the subject has passed my lips ;-)