Monday, January 14, 2008

Answers in the 'comments' please

I appear to be mathematically challenged. I didn't think I was until my son started to get maths homework. I think I first realised when I started to leave the more complicated stuff for the engineer in the family to work out. Not that I purposely left it. No, I just would drag out all the other stuff until my hubby arrived home and then - oh look, there's only the maths left to do!

Here is tonights maths homework. I challenge you to see how many you can get, never mind how many you can get right!
  1. 4 equal sides but no right angles
  2. 6 equal sides
  3. a triangle with 3 equal sides
  4. 1 curved side with no angles
  5. 5 lines of symmetry
  6. a triangle with 2 equal sides
  7. a four sided shape but no parallel sides
  8. 4 sides, 4 right angles and 2 lines of symmetry
  9. 4 equal sides and 4 lines of symmetry
  10. a triangle with a corner
  11. Now write a clue for a 'parallelogram'
In true Nancy Mon style, there is a prize for the winner-the person with the most correct answers gets to be my online support for all maths homework whilst the engineer is away skiing this week :-)

PS Pluto, I expect an entry from you, and no collaborating with the maths department at work!


Nancy Mon said...

I called Roy who is Mr. Math and he was having trouble with the answers. Of course he is at work and I am being a distraction. Oh well, I would have had to tell you it wasn't my answers anyway. Anyoone who knows me knows math ain't my strong suite. :)

Anonymous said...

The engineer in the family is now ensconced in his alpine chalet & will offer online consultancy for a small fee.z

Ali said...

How very thoughtful of you to pester your poor husband Nancy, I can only imagine the look on his face when you called to say you needed answers to the maths problems of a mad Irish blogger's son's homework!

BTW, The engineer in the family is cruisin for a bruisin ...

Nancy Mon said...

Ali, last night when Roy got home he asked me for the questions again. He answered more this time. Let me know if you still need the answers or if your "engineer" came through after a thrilling run down the moutainside. :) Of course Roy took this as such a challenge. This is the man who will watch the educational station when they are doing homework. The students call in and teachers help them with the work. He is jumping up and down yelling, there is a better way to do the problem. What is the phone number? I have to remind them, the students probably have to show their work. Thought you might enjoy the story of Roy with the math after work. Oh for the record, I told him I wanted to win a contest...then told him last night about my "mad" Irish blogging friend.

Ali said...

answers (and i did actually manage them all myself!);

1 rhombus
2 hexagon
3 equilateral triangle
4 circle
5 pentagon
6 isoseles triangle
7 kite
8 rectangle
9 square
10 right-angled triangle
11 4 sides, no lines of symmetry

Dana said...

I cannot help with math either...Dad isn't an engineer, but he stayed awake in math. HOWEVER, I am going to give it a go (all random made up guesses and poor attempts at humor):

1. a left angled square?
2. a sextagon or whatever comes after a pentagon
3. a triangle?
4. a circle!
5. fingers?
6. Switzerland? A Christmas tree? I know a Tee Pee...
7. me in the mirror.
8. my brain hurts. really bad.
9. didn't I answer this one already? um, a cube?
10. um, aren't there 3 corners? I'm so confused.
11. a shape with some parallels in it. on a gram cracker.

I am going to have my son do this later. I'll bet he gets them all. He's a brainiac like that.