Thursday, October 12, 2006

I Love Jesus Better Than Icecream ...

Today was Tharp Day. The Tharps are an American family who tour in a big bus and take school assemblies singing dittys such as I love Jesus better than icecream, and dancing in front of the kids. Nice!

When Mini-Me was in P1 the Tharps took assembly. I knew they had been because he adopted a particularly strong interest in their most famous song and in breakdancing (his version of it, which involved lying on his back with his feet kicking in the air rather like a wasp hit with Haze) after their visit.

I also knew they had been because a couple of weeks later I was informed by his teacher at the parent-teacher interview that he had had to be sent to the Head of KS1 because of his behaviour in assembly. Quite shocked, I asked what on earth he had been doing. Well, he'd been lying on his back with his feet kicking in the air rather like a wasp hit with Haze.

I'm quite sure the teacher was amazed when I literally burst out laughing on the spot. That wouldn't have been the day the Tharps were in assembly I asked. Well, yes ... but ...

She wasn't seeing the funny side.

Which is why, had I known in advance today was Tharp day, I'd have kept them both at home! Roll on the parent-teacher interviews ...

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