Friday, July 28, 2006

Domestic Goddess

Yesterday I was (briefly) (very briefly!) a domestic goddess. It's good to know that my training finally paid off after all these years ;-)

So what constitues a domestic goddess? Well, in this house yesterday it involved:

(1) the kids being fed and bathed and ready for bed

(2) the dishes in rather than on the dishwasher
(3) the kitchen, conservatory and downstair bathroom being cleaned and floors washed

(4) two loads of washing done as opposed to lying in a heap on the bathroom floor
by the time the other half struggled home from work.

For those of you who, having read this, are concerned about my well-being, I'm sure it has only been a temporary blip, probably down to a recent change in medication (the sooner I get off those pills the better!) To be honest already I feel I am returning to my normal service levels.

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