Tuesday, December 07, 2010


All the good work gritting the road last night so my neighbours could get their cars home and Tescos could deliver my shopping has been nullified by a very heavy overnight freeze which has frozen the slushy stuff and made the hill virtually impassable again this morning.

We have become very attached to the Paul Simon song 'Slip Sliding Away' in the minbin this week.

Point of possible interest. Conor Murphy (Minister for Regional Development) (ie in charge of gritting) was interviewed by a journo on TV last night and given hell over the state on the footpaths in the province. It was put to him that footpaths had not been gritted due to fear of claims arising from fall injuries.

Ahem. Dear neighbours, if any of you fall today, it was the man with the wheelbarrow and the big flashy BMW who was responsible for gritting the pavements.

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