Saturday, April 28, 2007

We Only Sing when We're Winning

I was at the Ulster V Glasgow Celtic League match at Ravenhill last night. Someone after the game said it was 'spineless, gutless, rudderless, skill-less and embarrassing'. Unfortunately, that's a pretty accurate synopsis.

Nobody had brought any paint, so we couldn't watch it dry, and there was no electricity, so we couldn't watch a kettle not boiling. For a while we tried watching the grass grow, but that meant having to look in the general direction of the pitch and risking the pain of actually catching sight of the other non-event on the pitch.

Most left early. We stayed.

At the end of the game (including 7 excruciating minutes of extra time) those around us who weren't sitting in stunned silence were booing the coaching staff and players off the pitch. Except for one small voice, that shouts out at the top of their voice:


My Jill :-)

1 comment:

Pluto said...

Do you not think you're taking this rugby thing a wee bit too seriously??