Wednesday, February 28, 2007

When did my 8 year old start using adult words??

Mini Me was fascinated by the news today that eating full cream icecream improved your chance of having a baby. So much so that when we had finished dinner he went and got a tub of Ben & Jerry's from the freezer, just for me.

Once I had had this act of selflessness explained to me, I gently tried to explain to him that icecream really wouldn't make a difference - I was too old to have any more babies.

"Mummy, there was a woman aged 67 who had a baby last year''

Ah yes, I remember having a similar conversation round about that time.

Nothing else for it but the truth then. So I told him that the bit of my tummy that babies came from didn't work any more and the doctor was going to take it away. At which he looked me in the eye, sighed a deep sigh and said

"You mean your womb mummy!"

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