Wednesday, November 29, 2006

And talking of Numeracy ...

On one occasion I was required to cover a maths class.

Now, I have an A/O level in Additional Maths - for the unintiated thats halfway between an old 'O' level and an old 'A' level. Achieving this qualification was not of my own doing; the school I attended (for some unknown reason) selected me to take the course and, with the help of a tutor for the Mechanics section of the syllabus, I managed to get a decent grade.

That said, maths is not my strongest point.

So the class are looking at the probability of getting a three when you throw a dice. Bearing in mind my qualification in this area, and more importantly the fact that I am a champion Yahtzee player, I thought I could manage this OK - even I knew the answer was one in six!

Until I met the student who convinced me it was one in two. After all, you either did or you didn't!!

With mathematics like that, I'm for doing the lottery on Saturday ;-)

1 comment:

Pluto said...

You might be interested in this video. It'll help you teach maths.